dimanche 25 juillet 2010

Hobo update

Several hundred dollars later, Esmeralda has been vaccinated and spayed.  This morning, despite her elegant elizabethan collar, she managed to pull out a stitch.  As I write this the girls are at the vet to have a stich made and get a larger collar.
And, yes, they still delude themselves that they are getting Esmeralda ready for adoption in another fine family.  They keep calling her "No Name" because they don't want to become attached???

Our visiting 4 years old granddaughter likes this cat very much...it seems reciprocal.

9 commentaires:

  1. She's here to stay, it seems. What an accommodating woman, that Esmeralda.

  2. Our daughters still maintain that Esmeralda is up for adoption. They inscribed on the Montérégie SPCA adoption website...with about 100 others. I am most skeptic.

  3. It looks to me that she is receiving beautiful care from your girls and they are just giving you a line. With a name like Esmeralda, she's conquered somebody's heart already.

    Hope you are staying cool and comfortable. Everyone I visit virtually complains about the abominable weather.


  4. I am sure that you familiar with the famous chapter from Kipling's Just So Stories about the cat: "I am the cat who walks by himself and all places are alike to me..."

    Not so, says your photo!

  5. @Rosaria: we are having a real summer, why complain? true the afore last week was torrid, but since then it has been most enjoyable.
    @Jenny: Kipling may have been on to something. That cat, very early on had chosen to stay here. She even slipped outside for a few minutes and came right back. Has not since tried to go out. I guess she finds the hotel and the personel rather acceptable. Cat's, let's not forget, have staff, dogs have masters.

  6. "....Several hundred dollars later, Esmeralda has been vaccinated and spayed......"

    This sounds a lot of money, but no price can be put on the love and joy you'll all get through Esmeralda if she gets to stay with you permanently, which I hope she'll do.

  7. Ariane auf Catsos!!!

    I have been waiting to hear more about little (four paws) lady. It looks as if little (two legs) lady will grow up to be a cat person. As I am one myself, I can only approve.

  8. Like you, I'm very skeptical about this adoption story your filles are spinning. Very skeptical.

  9. I hope Ariane auf Catsos will be cheerier than Ariadne auf Naxos, such somber though catching music.
    The girls are, for the moment, reportedly determined to get the cat adopted...at least Nadia wants too, Nadine is more hesitant, she is the more "catophile".
