vendredi 8 juillet 2011

At last flowers

On a previous post someone mistook our day lilies for wild grass, well they are wildly flowering.

There is always a way to get to light even if you have to get around obstacles

Clinging to life

Our begonias were unhappy inside they look like they feel better here.
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8 commentaires:

  1. Oh yes, let's enjoy color all around us. Happy summer to you, Paul. How warm does it get in your neck of the woods?

  2. Les fleurs sont merveilleuses.
    All they needed was more warmth and less rain.
    C'est très bien.

  3. @Sledpress: all this week we had 25C and up to 30C with the Humidex it felt like 35C to 40C at times. We range from -20C in the thick of winter up to 30C in summertime, mid-July to mid-August. Exceptionally less in winter and more in summer but seldom.
    @Rob-bear: we had, save for a few storms, a rather warm and rain less week but very high humidity, even the hibiscus felt comfy outside.

  4. OOps, I called Rosaria Sledpress, must be the heath.

  5. The blasted heath?

    I'm here. And I got flowers too, it's smackdown time! They'll be up shortly.

    It's so hot and wet here, by the way, that it feels like a locker room. Two minutes outside of air conditioning and you're soaked.

  6. Beautiful colors. So vivid.

  7. @Sled press, I'm not very familiar with locker rooms but I can figure it out. We don't have an air conditioned house and we don't, save for a few days each summer, need one. It is though very well insulated and heated.
    @Zeus, our colours are like the wonderful music you propose on your blog.

  8. Last month, I moved into a cottage, so I now have the light for flowers. A day after I moved in, a friend brought over a large pot planted with three or four varieties. I had forgotten how much I missed flowers in my old place.
