dimanche 10 mars 2013

How did we get there?

Canadians and Canada have always been, save under very particular circumstances, pacifists and mediators; having a balanced approach to world crisis and rivalries.  We now have a saber rattling and very partisan government, more Israelite than the Israelis and putting us all in line with whatever the U.S. government deems good for it's citizens.
WE have virtually become the 51st star on the Star Spangled Banner.  Yet, although having a majority of seats in the House of Commons, Mr Harper got only 40%  of the popular vote.  That guy said; "Give me a majority and in 5 years you will not recognize this country!"  The way he is going about destroying all that we were, by golly, he is keeping his promise.
And no one can say that they were not told.

5 commentaires:

  1. Ah, between you and Bear I get enough news about Canada to begin to understand. Yet, we don't get the context of such news, so we are still in the dark.

  2. "....although having a majority of seats in the House of Commons, Mr Harper got only 40% of the popular vote....."

    C'est malheureux que le Canada n'a pas de représentation proportionnelle au niveau fédéral.

    Selon des sondages récents, Stephen, bien que pas populaire au Québec, semble plutôt populaire en Alberta!!

    Qu'est-ce que ça signifie?

  3. Rosaria, Canada is a complex country, as the U.S. is. We really have several zones with, at times opposite views and interest. Mr Harper is an Alberta born again christian. Our westerners and born agains are very close to your Republicans and Tea Partyers. And Alberta has oil a plenty and is in full development...and they want to keep it all.
    Christopher, vous avez raison, les Conservateurs sont très forts en Alberta et en Sakatchewan de même que dans la région du Grand Toronto. C'est là que se concentre, pour le moment, la grande finance et l'opposition aux impôts et au filet social tissé par les canadiens au cours des 60 dernières années.

  4. I am constantly amazed by the meanness of loud "Christians." I hear enough about Mr. Harper to know that his policitcal stances are dispiritingly close to our corporate Republicans, but I didn't know that telling detail.

    Do you suppose that people who are scared by a superstitious brand of Christianity -- the fear of hell, all those strict rules -- take it out on the rest of us? "If I can't be happym no one can"?

    1. When you are powered by an ideology, nothing else matters. You have a clear demonstration with Rand Paul and consort. Our Conservatives are of the same ilk.
